
8 Regional British Recipes

Around Britain Cookbook

A collection of fascinating and delicious recipes from every corner of Britain featured in Around Britain, one of our most popular cookbooks

For a small nation, the topography of Britain is immensely varied. This fertile land yields the ingredients that have influenced our gastronomic heritage. From the orchards of the South East to the lochs of Scotland, each region harvests its own food and creates its own dishes.

Don’t miss the Regional Food Guides.

Chocolate Whisky Cake

Scotland Scottish Chocolate Whisky Cake

Every Scottish baker has their own recipe for chocolate cake and this one incorporates whisky, which complements the flavour of the chocolate. Chocolate Whisky Cake is taken from the Around Britain cookbook.

Wt Nellie bake

North West Wet Nellie

Wet Nellie is the local ‘affectionate’ name for a Liverpudlian speciality – Lord Nelson cake: a pastry case enclosing a mixture of cake crumbs, dried fruit and golden syrup – a bit like golden syrup tart. Recipe taken from the Around Britain Cookbook.

Knickerbocker Glory

North East & Yorkshire Knickerbocker Glory

This gorgeous Knickerbocker Glory recipe is taken from the beautiful Around Britain cookbook.

Malvern Cherry Cake

Western England Malvern Cherry Cake

Malvern, in Worcestershire, is famous for its mineral water, for being the birthplace of Sir Edward Elgar and for this light Madeira-style cake. Serve it on a Royal Worcester plate if you have one!

Bakewell Tart

Eastern England Bakewell Tart

Formerly know as Bakewell pudding, this tart was apparently created by a cook working at the Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell. The cook was making jam tarts but used puff pastry by mistake, so he decided to use up some leftover ingredients, creating this delicious dish.

Hazelnut Veggie Burgers

South East Hazelnut Veggie Burgers

Hazelnuts, also called filberts, are grown in Kent. The nuts have a creamy, earthy flavour, and are popular in chocolate recipes. Here they give a real nuttiness to these burgers.

Blueberry Crumble

South West Blueberry Crumble

In 1946, as a thank you for what we had gone through in the war, the British Columbia University Berry Farm on Lulu Island in Canada offered a box of 80 blueberry plants free to any grower in Britain. David Trehane of James Trehane and Sons Limited, nurserymen near Wimborne, Dorset, took up the offer and the bushes flourished.

Roast Leg of Welsh Lamb for St David's Day

Wales Roast Leg of Welsh Lamb

Dewi Sant, or Saint David, was a Celtic monk who lived in the 6th century. He was one of the early saints who helped to spread Christianity among the pagan tribes of western Britain. Celebrate St David’s Day on 1 March with traditional roast lamb.

All recipes taken from Around Britain Cookbook.


I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!

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