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Mozzarella & Asparagus Baguette

Mozzarella & Asparagus Baguette

This Mozzarella & Asparagus Baguette recipe is perfect for a quick and easy lunch. It serves one but is really easy to scale up to serve 2 or more, if your household is a little bigger. Recipe taken from Just For One or Two Cookbook.

Mozzarella & Asparagus Baguette


Ready-to-bake baguette 1 small

Asparagus spears 3, depending on size, woody ends snapped off then halved

Mayonnaise 1 tbsp

Finely shredded basil 1 tbsp

Finely chopped parsley 1 tbsp

Tomato 1, sliced

Mozzarella cheese 50g (2oz), thinly sliced

Freshly ground black pepper



To cook the baguette, preheat the oven according to the packet’s instructions and bake the baguette. Remove it from the oven and set aside to cool.


Meanwhile, cook the asparagus spears in gently boiling, lightly salted water for 3–5 minutes until tender. Drain.


Cut the baguette almost into two lengthways. Mix the mayonnaise with the basil and parsley and spread over the cut sides of the baguette.


Lay alternate slices of tomato, Mozzarella and pieces of asparagus on the baguette. Season with pepper and serve immediately.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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