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Pineapple with Hot Passion Rum Sauce

Pineapple with Hot Passion Rum Sauce

Pretend you’re in the Caribbean with this fabulous Pineapple with Hot Passion Rum Sauce dessert. A Dairy Diary 2021 recipe.

Pineapple with Hot Passion Rum Sauce


Passion fruit 3, halved

Dark or golden rum 1-2 tbsp

Light muscovado sugar 3 tbsp

Finely chopped deseeded red chilli 1 tsp

Pineapple 1 small, topped, tailed and skin removed

Chopped fresh mint 1 tbsp (optional)

Vanilla ice cream to serve (optional)



Push pulp of 2 passion fruit through a sieve into a small pan, discarding the seeds. Add pulp and seeds from third passion fruit, rum and 1 tablespoon sugar. Simmer for 2 minutes, stirring, until syrupy. Add chilli; leave to cool.


Cut pineapple into 6 slices, remove and discard the core. Put remaining sugar on a plate and dip fruit in sugar to coat.


Heat a griddle until hot. Griddle pineapple for 1-2 minutes each side until caramelised.


Divide between plates. Stir mint into sauce, if using, and spoon over pineapple. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, if you like.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)
    • Beth Tebbutt
    • 11/08/2020

    Thanks for the recipe.
    Two of my most favourite fruits…!!

    • Sharon Roberts
    • 08/08/2020

    Looks very tasty i must say, i am a fond lover of pineapple and try to use it as much as i can when cooking from scratch…very rarely do i come across a recipe” so thanks for this one!

  1. If you know anyone who has been to the Caribbean, then create this for them. Ainsley Harriet would be ready to rumble

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