
Win a personalised book stand and A Zest For Life cookbook

Win a book stand and cookbook

Competition now closed.


I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!
    • Pamela Hazlewood
    • 27/05/2021

    What a perfect gift

  1. Your book looks lovely & the stand is ace.
    I’d love to win so I can use my home grown allotment veg in the recipes. Exciting

    • Sharon Freemantle
    • 20/05/2021

    I’d love to win a gorgeous book stand.
    The Zest for life looks packed full of fab recipes

    • 20/05/2021

    You always have such great books and prizes so I would love to win this time

  2. I would love to win this prize as all Dairy Diary books are well written and have beautiful accompanying pictures.

    • 16/05/2021

    Keep up the greatwork – fingers crossed re competition entry.

    • Teresa Bye
    • 16/05/2021

    I find your Recipe Books very inspiring and full of delicious recipe choices

    • Stephanie Cornford
    • 16/05/2021

    Is the bookstand available to buy as it is lovely?

    • Susan Pickering
    • 15/05/2021

    Entered Liked And Shared Love To Win
    Lovely Giveaway 😍

    • Lesley Parratt
    • 15/05/2021

    Lovely Cookbook with fresh ideas and tasty treats – mouth watering examples

    • Eileen Smith
    • 15/05/2021

    I hope to win

    • Sandra Denning-Kemp
    • 15/05/2021

    Great competitions and awesome prizes

    • kath
    • 15/05/2021

    love to win this cookbook, i will be so busy busy busy.

  3. Would love to win this book.

  4. Amazing prize it would be used a lot if I was lucky enough to win

  5. Thankyou for the chance to win
    Just what is the bookstand…

    • Vivian Smith
    • 15/05/2021

    I love the bamboo cookery stand and I would enjoy trying out the recipes in Zest for Life.

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