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Griddled Halloumi with Wild Rocket

Griddled Halloumi with Wild Rocket

A fuss-free and delicious Griddled Halloumi with Wild Rocket recipe. A yummy salad and perfect starter or snack!

Griddled Halloumi with Wild Rocket


Halloumi 250g packet, drained

Olive oil 2 tbsp plus 1 tsp

Lime 1, juice only

Garlic 2 cloves, peeled and finely chopped

Freshly ground black pepper

Wild rocket and salad leaves 50g packet, to serve



Cut the Halloumi into 6–8 thick slices and place in a non-metallic dish.


Mix together the oil, lime juice and garlic, season with plenty of pepper and pour over the Halloumi. Turn the cheese so it is coated in the marinade. Cover and chill for 10 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse.


Oil, then heat a griddle pan over a medium heat. Remove the Halloumi from the marinade, reserving the garlic oil mix, and cook on the hot griddle until golden on both sides. The Halloumi will brown quickly and only needs 1–2 minutes on each side.


Arrange the wild rocket and salad leaves in two bowls and top with Halloumi, drizzle with the reserved garlic oil and serve.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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