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Lemon Posset

Lemon Posset

An irresistible and incredibly easy Lemon Posset recipe. The perfect dessert to treat yourself and a loved one or double up the ingredients to serve and delight others!

Lemon Posset


Double cream 300ml pot

Caster sugar 100g (3½oz)

Lemon 1 large, 2–3 tbsp juice

Fresh berries to serve (optional)



Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring gently to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved.


Add the lemon juice and bring to the boil, tasting to check the sweetness – you may wish to add a little more lemon juice or sugar as necessary.


Simmer for 2 minutes before removing from the heat. Whisk well and then pour the posset into two heatproof glasses.


Leave to cool then chill in the fridge for about 3 hours until set before serving. Top with a few berries if you like.

I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!
    • Verity Harvey
    • 20/07/2019

    So looking forward to trying this lemon is my favourite flavour

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