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Speedy Chocolate Sponge Puddings

Microwave Chocolate Sponge Puddings

Try these delectable Microwave Chocolate Sponge Puddings smothered with a rich dark chocolate sauce. Totally irresistible. From the Dairy Diary.  For more delicious recipes visit the Dairy Diary Recipe Collection.

Speedy Chocolate Sponge Puddings


Unsalted butter 150g (5oz), softened

Caster sugar 110g (4oz) plus 2 tsp

Self-raising flour 110g (4oz)

Baking powder ¼ tsp

Cocoa 2 tbsp

Egg 1 large

Vanilla extract 1 tsp

Dark chocolate 110g (4oz), broken into small pieces

Milk 3 tbsp

Vanilla ice cream to serve (optional)



Grease individual pudding basins or microwave-suitable teacups.


Place 110g (4oz) butter and 110g (4oz) caster sugar in a mixing bowl, sift in flour, baking powder and cocoa, then add egg, vanilla and 2 tablespoons water. With an electric hand-held mixer, mix ingredients together until smooth.


Divide mixture between pudding basins or cups, loosely cover with cling film and microwave on high for 4 – 5 minutes, until well risen and springy to touch.


To make the sauce: Put chocolate in a small bowl with the 2 teaspoons sugar, remaining butter and milk. Place over a saucepan of gently simmering water and stir until smooth.


Run a palette knife around each pudding then turn out onto individual plates and coat with sauce. Serve with ice cream, if you like.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)
    • Shirley
    • 23/12/2020

    Do you cook all puddings together in microwave or one at a time?

    • Dennis
    • 02/03/2020

    Can I ask what power microwave is this recipe based on please

      • Emma Snow
      • 03/03/2020

      Good morning, the wattage of the microwave was 800.

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