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Mulled Wine trifles

Mulled Wine Jelly Trifles

Delicious Mulled Wine Jelly Trifles taken from the Dairy Diary 2023.

Mulled Wine trifles


Mandarin oranges 312g tin in light syrup

Caster sugar 25g (1oz)

Cinnamon stick 1, broken

Cloves 6

Leaf gelatine 3 sheets

Fruity red wine 300ml (½ pint)

Madeira cake 110g (4oz), cubed

Vanilla custard 200ml (7fl oz)

Whipping cream 150ml (¼ pint)

Ground cinnamon to dust



Drain mandarin syrup from tin into a small saucepan. Add sugar and spices. Heat gently until sugar dissolves, bring to the boil and simmer gently for 3 minutes. Set aside.


Meanwhile, soak gelatine sheets in cold water for 5 minutes. Drain well and add to hot syrup. Stir until dissolved then mix in wine. Leave to cool; discard the spices.


Reserving a few mandarins for decoration, layer remainder with cake in 4 tall sundae or coffee glasses and gently pour over the cold jelly mix. Chill for 2 hours or until ready to serve.


To serve, top each trifle with custard. Whip cream until just peaking and spoon on top. Dust with cinnamon and decorate with reserved mandarins.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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