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Hedgerow Gin

Hedgerow Fruits Gin

Flavoured gin is a simple and delicious way to preserve fruit. A store cupboard treat to offer unexpected guests, it’s particularly good topped up with prosecco or champagne. This delectable Hedgerow Fruits Gin is from the Four Seasons Cookbook.

Hedgerow Gin


Good quality gin 600ml (1 pint)

Light brown muscovado sugar 150g (5oz) (see tip)

Plums or damsons about 450g (1lb), halved, stoned and sliced or
Sloes approx. 500g (1lb 2oz), each pricked with a fork



Pour the gin into a large sterilised jar and add the sugar. Stir well until the sugar has dissolved.


Add the fruit to the jar then cover with a tight-fitting lid.


Store in a cool, dark place for about 3 months, stirring weekly.


When the gin has developed a good, fruity flavour, strain it through muslin, discard the fruit and pour into sterilised bottles. Store for at least 1 month before drinking.


Serve the gin chilled, over ice. For a long drink, top up a shot of the fruity gin with apple juice or elderflower tonic, or add a dash of cherry brandy and pour in champagne for a truly decadent cocktail.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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