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Stollen Bread Pudding

Festive Stollen Bread Pudding

A mouthwatering Festive Stollen Bread Pudding recipe taken from Dairy Diary.

A festive take on the classic comfort food; bread and butter pudding. Filled with the flavours of Christmas including cinnamon, apricots and amaretti biscuits, this is a real treat!

Stollen Bread Pudding


Butter for greasing

Stollen bread 750g (1lb 10oz), cubed

Dried apricots 8, roughly chopped

Ground cinnamon 1 large pinch

Eggs 2 medium

Double cream 300ml (½ pint)

Milk 300ml (½ pint)

Caster sugar 3 tbsp

Amaretti biscuits 6 crushed

Vanilla ice cream or single cream to serve (optional)



Butter a shallow ovenproof dish. Toss in stollen and apricots and sprinkle over cinnamon.


Beat eggs, cream, milk and sugar. Pour over stollen mix, pressing down to soak well. Scatter over amaretti then, if you have time, set aside in a cool place for 1 hour to soak.


Preheat oven to 180ºC/160ºfan/Gas 4. Put the dish in a roasting tin and pour boiling water around it to come halfway up the sides. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden and slightly risen. Leave to stand for 10 minutes before serving with ice cream or cream, if liked.

I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!

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