Even for the most optimistic among us, it is sometimes challenging to remain cheerful at all times.
There are ways however, to bring a little joy into our lives each day – tiny things we can do to add some colour!
Wear your wardrobe
Not all at once, obviously! Work your way through your wardrobe from right to left (or left to right if you prefer) wearing a different outfit every day. Obviously summer clothes are not ideal right now so place them at the other end, but otherwise enjoy everything that you own.
Try new outfit combinations, wear a glam dress with thick tights and boots; have fun with what you wear rather than reaching for the same old jeans and jumper. I have given myself the challenge of buying no new clothes for a whole year (this is a HUGE challenge for me!) and have found that this method helps me to love what I own all over again.
Discover new walks
It’s all too easy to fall into the routine of the same walking route every day. But even in your own corner of Britain, there’s bound to be a new route to be discovered. Dust off an old Ordnance Survey map and take a look at what public footpaths surround you, or visit walking-routes.co.uk or walkingbritain.co.uk for new ideas.
When out walking, notice nature – listen to birdsong, watch the ducks on the pond, or look out for crocus and snowdrops as they begin to appear. This mindful activity helps to focus the mind on positive things, rather than negative.

Connect with your local community
Join your local Facebook group and share uplifting photographs of the walks you have enjoyed or snippets of local history that you think locals may enjoy. Or make a batch of marmalade and put it in a basket in front of your home for passers by to help themselves.
Put on your favourite lipstick
Be the most glamorous in town and smile at everyone you pass. A cheerful ‘hello’ can mean a lot to someone who may not have conversed with anyone that day and it can spread far and wide as the smiles are paid forward!
Phone/Whatsapp/Facetime a friend
A catch-up and a good laugh, reminiscing about good times, is a wonderful tonic, and proven to lower stress levels.

Head of Dairy Diary; I’m passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I’m also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)