
Here’s to a happier, healthier new year!

Blackberry Meringue Chill

January – A new start!

January can be a challenging month, a post-Christmas slump, waiting for pay day, cold weather and the dark mornings and nights don’t help.

But January can also be a month full of inspiration and motivation. A new year, a new start, maybe you have made some new year resolutions. If not, take a look at these 6 positive New Year resolutions for some inspiration – it’s never too late!

The trouble is we can sometimes put too much pressure on ourselves to do everything all at once. Go on a strict diet, go to the gym everyday, completely sort out the house…the list goes on!

Instead of going full steam ahead and then end giving up on those resolutions maybe we should be a bit kinder to ourselves and do things in moderation.

Healthier Comfort Food is based around this principle. It contains delicious recipes that are lower in calories and filled with good nutritious ingredients AND all the recipes are based around comfort and helping us to feel good. Perfect for January!

Healthier Comfort Food Cookbook

Here is just a taste of the delicious recipes that you will find in Healthier Comfort Food

Red Velvet Soup

Red Velvet Soup with Corn & Creamy Cheese

A vibrant soup filled with healthy veg and topped with a swirl of creamy cheese. A perfect winter warmer!

Roasted Gnocchi and mushroom soup bake

Roasted Gnocchi and Mushroom Soup Bake with Crispy Kale

A great choice for a veggie mid-week meal, packed with goodness and the creamy sauce feels like a treat!

Spaghetti Tortilla

Spaghetti Tortilla

Great for a filling and healthy lunch or light supper.

Blackberry meringue chill

Blackberry Meringue Chill

Perfect to share – allow yourself a treat with this creamy fruity pud!

You can find even more recipes here

Get organised!

Another popular new year resolution is to be more organised! (Take a look at January – The “get organised” month for tips!)

If you didn’t receive a Dairy Diary under the tree for Christmas, they are still available to buy and along with the pocket diary and notebook they can help organise your busy life.

Use the notebook for lists, the pocket diary for planning on the go and the wall planner is great for seeing an overview of the year (we love highlighting holidays!)

With the stickers that come with the dairy diary itself you can highlight important dates so you never forget a birthday or event.

As always, the Dairy Diary is filled with inspiration for seasonal recipes and is packed with interesting articles and helpful information.


I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!

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