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Merry Strawberry Waffles

Merry Strawberry Waffles

A stunning Merry Strawberry Waffles recipe taken from More Taste & Less Waste Cookbook.

Merry Strawberry Waffles


Red wine 200ml (7fl oz)

Caster sugar 3 tbsp

Vanilla pod 1, split

Small plain waffles 4

Whipping cream 75ml (3fl oz)

Fresh strawberries 200g (7oz), hulled and halved or quartered



Pour the wine into a small saucepan. Add the sugar and vanilla pod. Heat slowly, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved, then increase the heat and boil for about 8 minutes until the wine has reduced by half and thickened to a syrup. Leave to cool.


Remove the vanilla pod (see tips).


Just before serving, toast the waffles according to the pack’s instructions and keep warm. Whip the cream until soft peaks form.


To serve, top the waffles with a dollop of cream, scatter the strawberries on top and pour over the wine sauce.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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