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Minted Pea Panna Cotta with Smoked Salmon

Minted Pea Panna Cotta with Smoked Salmon

An impressive Minted Pea Panna Cotta with Smoked Salmon recipe – perfect to serve as a light meal or starter. The fresh combination of creamy pea and mint complements the smoked salmon perfectly. This savoury version is a twist on the classic and is equally enjoyable! A Dairy Diary recipe. For more delicious recipes visit the Dairy Diary Recipe Collection.

Minted Pea Panna Cotta with Smoked Salmon


Frozen petits pois or fresh peas 250g (9oz) plus extra to garnish

Chicken stock 250ml (9fl oz)

Leaf gelatine 2 sheets

Double cream 150ml (¼ pint)

Mint leaves 12-15 plus extra to garnish

Smoked salmon 100g pack



Place petits pois and stock in a saucepan. Bring up to boil, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.


Meanwhile, soak gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water.


Stir cream into peas, add mint leaves, then liquidise and pass through a sieve. Season to taste.


Drain gelatine sheets and add to pea cream. Briefly heat gently until gelatine dissolves.


Lightly oil two ramekin dishes and pour in pea cream. Allow to cool then chill for 4-6 hours.


Run a knife around the inside of each ramekin and turn out onto plates. Serve with salmon garnished with mint and peas.

I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!

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