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Minty Snowflake Marshmallows

Minty Snowflake Marshmallows

A sweet recipe for Minty Snowflake Marshmallows taken from the Dairy Diary 2023.

Minty Snowflake Marshmallows


Icing sugar for dusting

Gelatine leaves 8, halved

Liquid glucose 140g (4¾ oz)

Caster sugar 400g (14oz)

Cold mint tea 250ml (9fl oz)

Blue food colouring a few drops



Line the base and sides of a 32cm x 22cm (13in x 8½ in) baking tray with baking paper and liberally dust with icing sugar.


Put gelatine and mint tea in the large bowl of a food mixer and leave to soak.


Meanwhile, mix glucose, sugar and a pinch of salt in a pan. Slowly bring to the boil, stirring occasionally and leave to simmer until it reaches 130ºC/54ºF on a thermometer.


Carefully pour into tea gel and whisk using an electric whisk on high for 10 minutes until thick, white and doubled in size. Put half of mixture into one half of the lined baking tray.


Add 2-3 drops of blue food colouring to the remainder and whisk for 30 seconds. Transfer this to the other half of the baking tray, smoothing to an even level. Place uncovered in the fridge and leave to set overnight.


Using plenty of icing sugar to dust, stamp out snowflakes using a 7cm (2¾ in) cutter. Dust each snowflake with icing sugar again and leave to dry out on a wire rack overnight.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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