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Mocha Matchmaker Martini

Mocha Matchmaker Martini

A decadent Mocha Matchmaker Martini recipe taken from the Dairy Diary 2023.

Mocha Matchmaker Martini


Chocolate or orange Matchmakers 16

Double cream 50ml (1½fl oz)

Chocolate cream liqueur 100ml (3½fl oz)

Vodka 75ml (2½fl oz)

Cold espresso 50ml (1½fl oz)

Ice to serve



Chop 12 chocolate or orange Matchmakers very finely, reserving 2 tbsp on a plate to decorate rims of the glasses.


Heat cream and chopped Matchmakers in a pan and whisk to a smooth ganache. Cool slightly to thicken then put in a piping bag.


Pipe a spiral shape around the inside of the glasses and a circle onto a plate. Dip the rim into the ganache circle and then into the reserved chocolate pieces.


Put chocolate liqueur, vodka and espresso in a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake well.


Pour into the prepared glasses and garnish with the remaining Matchmakers.

I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!

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