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Turmeric Pickled Cauliflower

Try this fabulous pickle as a side dish with your favourite meat or cheese, or as a guilt-free snack. This Turmeric Pickled Cauliflower is a different way to get your veggies in. A Dairy Diary recipe. For more delicious recipes visit the Dairy Diary Recipe Collection.



White/Chinese rice wine vinegar 300ml (½ pint)

Caster sugar 2 tbsp

Salt 1 tbsp

Turmeric 1 tsp

Mustard seeds 1 tsp

Crushed dried chillies 1 tsp

Cauliflower 1 small, broken into florets

Clean jars 1 large or 2 small



Pour vinegar into a saucepan with 200ml (7fl oz) water. Add sugar and salt and bring up to boil. Stir until sugar has dissolved.


Add turmeric, mustard seeds and crushed chillies to liquid.


Pack cauliflower into clean jars, pour in liquid and leave to cool. Cover and refrigerate for up to 8 weeks.

Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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