Whisky Mac Coffee Jelly Shots
These irresistible ‘naughty-but-nice’ Whisky Mac Coffee Jelly Shots are taken from the Dairy Diary

Leaf gelatine 5 sheets
Freshly brewed hot coffee 300ml (½ pint)
Caster sugar 5 tbsp
Whisky 2 tbsp
Ginger wine 2 tbsp
Single cream 200ml (7fl oz)
Chocolate coffee beans to decorate
Put three sheets gelatine in a shallow dish, cover with cold water and soak for 5 minutes.
Put coffee in a heatproof jug with 4 tablespoons sugar. Drain gelatine, squeeze out water and stir into hot coffee until dissolved. Cool for 30 minutes then stir in whisky and ginger wine.
Place eight 75ml (3fl oz) espresso cups or shot glasses on a tray and pour in coffee mixture, leaving 1cm (½in) gap at the top. Cool completely, then chill for 1 hour until set.
Soak remaining two gelatine sheets as above. Heat cream until hot but do not boil. Remove from heat. Stir in remaining sugar. Drain gelatine, squeeze out water and stir into cream until dissolved. Leave to cool for about 45 minutes until barely warm and then divide between the glasses. Cool completely and chill for 1 hour or until ready to serve. Decorate with chocolate coffee beans.
Categories:Burns’ NightDairy Diary 2020 RecipesDairy Diary RecipesFestiveHot PuddingsMeals for Special OccasionsNew Year’s EveParty FoodPuddings & Desserts
Emily Davenport