The new Recipe File keeps all your recipes to hand
After 20 years of working on the Dairy Diary, I have a huge stack of recipes that I cannot bear to part with. So how do you store your old recipes?
As they are all stuffed into a plastic file I can never find the one I want!
Now, however, I can get organised with our gorgeous new Recipe File – specifically created for Dairy Diary recipes.
The Recipe File has a really pretty wipe-clean cover and elastic tie to keep everything together.
It has plastic pockets and papers on which to stick recipes and/or write notes.
And also dividers so that you can create sections to suit your needs. There’s even a sticker sheet with lots of different titles, such as starters, mains, etc or you can create your own titles. There are even stickers to highlight recipes you have cooked and favourite recipes.
Store your old recipes the smart way
I’m delighted to share this fabulous new product with you, but get in quick as we only have limited stock.
The new Recipe File is the best way to store your old recipes.

Head of Dairy Diary; I’m passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I’m also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)
I’ve got this recipe holder, it’s absolutely brilliant, and really well priced, in first lockdown got all my recipes and cut to fit and all named, numbered and categories I.e fish, chicken beef etc fantastic!