
What’s in season in April?

Rhubarb Crumble Cake

Fresh ingredients for spring recipes; find out what is coming into season in April in the UK.

As April unfolds, the landscape starts to bloom with seasonal delights and the flavours of spring!

April offers an abundance of fresh ingredients to inspire some creative cooking.

Buying food in season reduces food miles and the need for plastic packaging so it is great for the environment can save money too!

What’s in season in April

Asparagus, Broccoli, Jersey Royal New Potatoes, Lettuce & Salad leaves, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Radishes, Rocket, Samphire, Spinach, Spring Onions, Watercress, Wild Nettles.


Basil, Chives, Dill, Sorrel

Lamb, Wood Pigeon

Cockles, Crab, Langoustine, Lobster, Plaice, Prawns, Salmon, Sea Trout, Shrimp, Whitebait

Rhubarb Crumble Cake

Rhubarb Crumble Cake

An absolutely delicious Rhubarb Crumble Cake from Cook it Slowly! Cookbook.

Wild Watercress: Fresh and Nutritious and Found Throughout the UK

With its vibrant green leaves and distinctive peppery taste, watercress has long captivated the senses and palates of foragers, chefs, and nature enthusiasts alike. Wild watercress thrives in freshwater habitats with clear, cool, and fast-moving water, which is rich in nutrients. It is commonly found along the banks of streams, rivers, and springs, where the water is well-oxygenated. The plant prefers partially shaded areas, as direct sunlight can cause it to wilt.

Find out more about how to find, identify and forage wild watercress here.

Watercress Soup

Watercress Soup

This soup is simple, peppery, and creamy – and watercress is a great source of vitamin A, C and iron! Make this lovely Watercress Soup from The Dairy Book of Home Cookery and just add fresh crusty bread.

Gnocchi with mushroom and purple sprouting

Roasted Gnocchi With Purple Sprouting Broccoli & Mushrooms

Enjoy roasted gnocchi, purple sprouting broccoli and mushrooms in this quick and scrumptious vegan supper recipe. Leafier and deeper in colour than regular broccoli, purple sprouting is at its best between February and April. Taken from Four Seasons Cookbook.

Four Seasons Cookbook

Four Seasons

Savour this collection of sumptuous recipes that champions British ingredients and reflects the influence of the seasons.



Head of Dairy Diary; I'm passionate about producing high quality products that our customers will cherish. I'm also a mum of three and I enjoy cooking, walking, gardening and art with my family, as well as lino printing (if I find time!)

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